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National Assemblies: what our members said

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We asked some of the members that attended what they thought of the National Assemblies – here’s what they said.

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Who is the new Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab

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Theresa May has replaced David Davis with another hardline Brexiteer – Dominic Raab. But who is the new Brexit Secretary?

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5 Tory policies that Ruth Davidson knows are hurting Scotland but still supports

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At the general election last year, Ruth Davidson told the people of ­Scotland that her new band of 13 Tory MPs would “forcefully” argue for Scotland’s interests in ­Westminster – but nothing could be further from the truth.

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Standing up for Scotland: Fighting for progressive change at Westminster

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In 2017, we promised that by re-electing a strong group of SNP MPs, we would continue to use our influence to help deliver more progressive change.

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10 must-read books for 2018

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March 1st is World Book Day, so we asked some of the SNP’s most avid readers to give us their must read books for 2018.

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Scottish budget: what it means for Glasgow

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for Glasgow.

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Scottish budget: what it means for Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire.

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Tory promises: often made, rarely delivered

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The Tories have a habit of making promises to the people of Scotland and then never delivering on them; this week was no different.

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WASPI: explained in 200 words

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The Tories have drastically sped-up the equalisation of the State Pension Age – denying women born in the 1950s the pensions they are due.

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Governments should be judged on their reaction to the challenges facing our National Health Service

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Ask people in almost any survey or poll which institution they cherish most dearly in our society and invariably the answer is our National Health Service. And rightly so. Hardworking nurses and doctors are there for us from cradle to grave.

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7 truly terrifying things the Conservative Party are doing in government

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From the rise of food banks to cuts amounting to billions to Scotland’s budget by Westminster Tories, here’s just some of the truly terrifying things that the Conservative Party is doing in government.

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Our plan for Scotland: delivering for young people

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Here’s how the SNP’s new programme for government will deliver for Scotland’s young people.