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FMQs – Ruth Davidson’s breathtaking political opportunism

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Nicola Sturgeon exposes the “political opportunism” of the Tories and Ruth Davidson.

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PMQs – The Conservative Party is unfit for government

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“The Prime Minister is unfit to govern, she’s incapable of leadership, we know it, her backbenchers know it and the country knows it.”

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National Assembly – Edinburgh

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Our biggest ever National Assembly in Edinburgh was buzzing with conversation and debate on how an independent Scotland can match the best.

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Learning from the best in the world on digital engagement

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On being elected Depute Leader of the SNP, one of the earliest discussions I had was with the digital team at SNP HQ.

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Our plan to create jobs and grow the economy

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The Programme for Government will ensure Scotland is a nation inventing, designing and manufacturing the innovations that will shape the future.

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PMQs – the Chequers plan is as dead as a dodo

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Ian Blackford tells the Prime Minister her Chequers plan is “as dead as a dodo”

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Programme for Government statement in full

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Read First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government for 2018-19. 

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National Assembly – Aviemore

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In Aviemore, our members led the conversation on Scotland’s future – a conversation full of hope and ambition.

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How we’ve delivered progress for Scotland over the past year

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A year ago, Nicola Sturgeon set out an ambitious new Programme for Government. Since then, the SNP Scottish Government has been busy delivering on its high ambitions.

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National Assembly – Ayr

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SNP members met in Ayr on Saturday 25th August to discuss and debate how Scotland can be a successful independent country.

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Fact check: Murdo Fraser’s claim that countries can only be in the Single Market if they are in the EU is false

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Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are all in the Single Market but are not members of the EU.

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PMQs – Theresa May is a Prime Minister in office but not in power

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“This is a Prime Minister that has lost control of her own party.”

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FMQs – Don’t roll out the red carpet for President Trump

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Theresa May shouldn’t roll out the red carpet for President Trump.

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PMQs – We’ll stand up to Trump, it’s time the UK Government did the same

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“Will this government challenge President Trump on his abysmal record on human rights, his repugnant attitude towards women and his disgusting treatment of minorities?”

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FMQs – Scrap the two child cap and rape clause

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon condemns the Tories’ two child cap and rape clause at FMQs.

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Scotland’s Brexit Minister speech on the UK EU Withdrawal Bill

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Read the full speech given by Scotland’s Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe, Michael Russell MSP, in the Scottish Parliament on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

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Statement by Scotland’s Brexit Minister on the EU Withdrawal Bill

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Read the statement given by Michael Russell MSP, Scotland’s Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe, on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

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Two weeks of Paternity Leave for new dads is just not good enough

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New dads should have at least four weeks paternity leave not two, says SNP MSP Fulton MacGregor.

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Universal Credit forces terminally ill people to “self-certify” that they are dying

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Drew Hendry MP: I have pleaded with the Prime Minister to act to end the heartache Universal Credit is causing, and to end the impact it is having on those who are terminally ill.

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Nicola Sturgeon’s speech to the SNP conference

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Read Nicola Sturgeon’s speech to the 2017 SNP conference in Glasgow.

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We must never stop believing in Scotland’s potential

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As SNP members gather for our annual conference in Glasgow, we remind ourselves that we hold an extremely privileged position as Scotland’s government and Scotland’s voice at Westminster. It is one we must never take for granted.

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Scotland’s employment figures: get the facts

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Scotland’s employment rate is the highest on record – and above the UK rate.

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We will not rest till there is a nuclear-free world

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Read Bill Kidd on witnessing history in New York as the UN banned nuclear weapons.

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News you might have missed

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From new roads to new arrivals, here’s just some of the news from the week you might have missed.

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Far too often the UK government has let down our service personnel and veterans

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The daily challenges faced by the men and women of our armed forces are not confined to conflict zones.

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We’re making progress on education – let’s keep going

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Education Secretary John Swinney on how last week’s good news must not be used as an excuse to back off from reforming Scottish education.

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The SNP Government’s drive to widen access to uni is working

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More young people in Scotland than ever before are now getting the opportunity to go to our world-class university.

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Giving every child the best start in life, whatever their background

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The Baby Box is part of a series of actions this government is taking to ensure Scotland really is the best place to grow up.