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A decade to defy disparity

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Read an interview with Nicola Sturgeon looking back on ten years of SNP government.

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10 facts about Scotland’s colleges and universities

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Whether a young person chooses university, college, vocational training or employment, it is important that they get the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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Our action for disabled people

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Here’s just some of what we are doing to support disabled people in Scotland.

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The Nuffield Trust report on Scotland’s NHS: get the facts

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‘Learning from Scotland’s NHS’ sets out the lessons that the NHS in other parts of the UK can learn from Scotland. Here’s what you need to know.

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Tribute to former SNP Leader Gordon Wilson

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Read the eulogy delivered by Deputy First Minister John Swinney MSP at the funeral of former SNP leader Gordon Wilson in Dundee.

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Real misery is being caused by the Tories’ Benefit Cap to no good purpose

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The High Court judgement offered a damning indictment of what so many of us have been arguing for years – that the draconian benefit cap is ideologically driven and serves no purpose other than to harm.

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The public sector pay cap: what you need to know

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From next year the public sector pay cap will be lifted in Scotland, ensuring that public sector pay increases better reflect rising living costs. Here’s what you need to know.

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Theresa May leads a near zombie government

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The deal with the DUP keeps her administration on life support. But it is an aimless administration with no purpose, save the negotiation of Brexit and, of course, self-preservation.

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A new pay deal for Scotland

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Last week Finance Secretary Derek Mackay confirmed our plans to end the 1 per cent public sector pay cap in Scotland

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News you might have missed

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Here’s some of the news from this week that you might have missed.

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A country where people can flourish no matter where they are born or who they are

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We are focused on delivering economic growth in a way that’s more inclusive – and by that I mean inclusive of people, and inclusive of places.

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How you can help grow the independence movement

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Here’s how you can help build our movement and win the case for an independent Scotland.

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In profile: meet your SNP Westminster Leadership team

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With the SNP group in the last parliament proving to be the hardest working politicians at Westminster, our new leadership team will ensure Scotland’s voice is heard at Westminster.

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Scotland’s referendum – what you need to know

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After the election, Nicola Sturgeon committed to reflecting on the outcome and, in particular, on the issue of a second independence referendum. Today she set out her reflections.

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Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on EU negotiations and Scotland’s future

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Read Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on EU negotiations and Scotland’s future in full.

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Tory-DUP deal: what it means for Scotland

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The Tories and the DUP have today signed a deal to allow Theresa May to cling to power. Here’s what you need to know about the backroom Tory-DUP deal.

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It’s in everyone’s interests for the UK to get the best Brexit deal possible

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One year on from the Brexit vote and the talks between the UK and our European neighbours have finally begun.

Already, this weakened Tory government is on the back foot.

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The lessons of the last 12 months

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When anniversaries come around, the temptation is always to look back.

One year on from the EU referendum it is right to reflect on everything that’s happened. But the most important thing for the people of Scotland, now, is to look forward.

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Gordon Wilson, former SNP leader, dies aged 79

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It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Gordon Wilson.

Gordon passed away earlier this morning in hospital after a short illness. He was leader of the Scottish National Party from 1979 to 1990, and was SNP Member of Parliament for Dundee East from 1974 to 1987.

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News you might have missed

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With headlines dominated by Brexit negotiations and a Queen’s Speech with nothing much in it, you wouldn’t be blamed for missing some of the good news stories this week.

Here are just some of them.

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SNP Westminster frontbench team and spokespeople

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SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford has announced the new SNP frontbench team. Here’s the list in full.

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World Refugee Day: the UK government should live up to its moral responsibility on refugees

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On World Refugee Day, Communities Secretary Angela Constance has written to the new UK Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis calling on the UK government to live up to its moral responsibility on its approach to refugees.

Read the letter in full here.

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Radical education reforms are absolutely the right thing to do

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In my last column, I looked ahead to a very important statement that Education Secretary John Swinney was due to make in Parliament, about reforming the way our schools are governed.

I couldn’t give too much away, but I promised it would be bold and radical.

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Building a fairer, greener Scotland

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Read Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, on our commitment to protecting Scotland’s environment.

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Delivering for Scotland

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Here’s how your SNP government delivered for Scotland this week.

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Five ways the SNP is supporting carers

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The contribution that carers make to our society is priceless. It’s only right that they’re duly valued and properly supported.

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A new cross-party, four nation approach to Brexit

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The Tories hard Brexit plan has been rejected by the public. It is now essential that we seek as much consensus as possible on the way forward.

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People across the UK have rejected the Tories hard Brexit plans

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The Tories must recognise they have no mandate to leave the single market and the Brexit negotiations must reflect that.