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General Election explained

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The SNP has won the general election in Scotland. The Tories have lost their majority at Westminster.

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Labour’s plan to cut Scottish funding

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Both UK and Welsh Labour election manifestos call for the Barnett formula – the system used to allocate money to Scotland – to be scrapped.  Here’s why it’s important. During the referendum on independence the promise was made that the Barnett formula would continue. The Vow explicitly states that “Because of the continuation of the…

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A vote for Labour just risks letting Tory MPs in the backdoor

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A vote for the SNP on Thursday will help keep the Tories firmly in check – but a vote for Labour anywhere in Scotland just risks letting Tory MPs in the backdoor.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for older people

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Here’s how strong SNP voices will stand up for older people at Westminster.

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SNP manifesto for culture and creativity

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Here’s how SNP MPs will be strong voices for Scotland’s creative sector at Westminster.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for workers

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The SNP always has and always will champion Scotland. Here’s how strong SNP voices will stand up for workers.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for young people

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Here’s how strong SNP voices will stand up for young people at Westminster.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for businesses

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Here’s how SNP MPs will stand up for businesses at Westminster.

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SNP Manifesto for Women 2017

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Advancing women’s equality is central to the SNP manifesto, and a strong team of SNP MPs at would champion gender equality at Westminster.

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The SNP manifesto: what it means for disabled people

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We have now launched our manifesto for the General Election on 8 June. Here’s how strong SNP voices will stand up for disabled people at Westminster.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for families

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We have now launched our manifesto for the General Election on 8 June. Here’s how strong SNP voices will stand up for families at Westminster.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for LGBTI people

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A vote for the SNP on June 8th is a vote for strong SNP voices that will act as champions for LGBTI equality and progressive causes, to make Scotland a fairer and more equal country for all.

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SNP manifesto: what it means for rural and remote communities

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We have now launched our manifesto for the General Election on 8 June. It sets out how we will ensure that there is strong opposition to a re-elected and increasingly hard line Tory government at Westminster.

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SNP General Election manifesto: what you need to know

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Here are just some of the ways strong SNP voices will stand up for Scotland Westminster.

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Nicola Sturgeon’s speech at the SNP General Election manifesto launch

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Read the speech made by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at Perth Concert Hall as she launched the SNP manifesto.

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Terror cannot triumph

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The noise and bustle of the election campaign getting back to normal should be celebrated for the wonderful thing it is – the sound of a country electing its representatives and defending democracy itself.

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The SNP plan to end austerity: explained in 200 words

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We’ll demand an end to austerity. We have a responsible plan to balance the budget whilst investing in public services.

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Repeated Tory U-turns make them look weak and wobbly

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Tomorrow there will be ten days to polling day. Ten days in which it is vital to shine a bright light on the impact Tory policies.

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Don’t let the Tories cut your pension

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Now more than ever, we need strong SNP voices at Westminster to stand up for older people and against Tory cuts to pensions.

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First Minister’s statement to the Scottish Parliament on the attack on Manchester

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Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on the attack on Manchester in full.

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The choice is stark: Progress or just the same old Tories

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What kind of society do you want to live in? When you strip away all of the bluster and rhetoric around this election, that is ultimately what you’re being asked to decide on June 8th.

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Who will stand up for Scottish jobs?

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Standing up for Scotland is what we do. In government we’ve protected vital industries and safeguarded jobs. And at Westminster we won’t let the Tories trade away Scotland’s jobs.

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We’re leading the way with progressive policies

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Over the last ten years we’ve worked hard to make Scotland the best country it can be. It’s no wonder other parties are now taking their lead from the SNP.

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I’m hugely proud of what we’ve achieved in ten years

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When I look back over the last few years, I’m hugely proud of what we’ve achieved in the face of often very challenging circumstances.

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Be a voter: young people must make their voice heard

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To make your voice heard in the General Election, you have to be registered to vote by 11.59 on Monday 22 May. Here’s why you should do it today.

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The danger to Scotland of unopposed Tory government is real

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We all have an equal stake in this country’s future – young and old, wherever in Scotland we live and whatever our background.

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Building a better Scotland

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This week marks 10 years since the SNP first took office.

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10 times the SNP protected Scotland from Tory policies

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In government and at Westminster, the SNP will always work to protect Scotland from an unopposed Tory government. Here are just ten ways we’ve done just that.