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7 ways we’re keeping homes affordable

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In government, we’re building more homes, we’re helping people buy their first home, we’re tackling fuel poverty and we’re ensuring tenants in the private rented sector don’t get ripped off.

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Our plan for Scotland: transforming mental health services for young people

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Outlining our plan for Scotland, the First Minister recognised that mental wellbeing is as important as physical health – that is as true for young people as it is for everyone else.

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Employment in Scotland: get the facts

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Here’s everything you need to know about how we’ll keep delivering progress on jobs.

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Scotland must have a role in future UK trade talks

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The Scottish Government has published a new paper setting out why Scotland can, should and must have a role in future UK trade talks. Here’s what you need to know.

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Over to you: how the National Assembly in Ayr put members in charge

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On Saturday we held the first of three National Assemblies in Ayr, using an innovative new format that put members in charge of the conversation.

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How a no deal Brexit will affect our daily lives

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The UK government has published the first of their plans for a no deal Brexit.

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Jeremy Corbyn in Scotland: what he won’t mention

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Jeremy Corbyn is in Scotland this week. The Labour Leader is keen to promote his party’s policies but not so keen to talk about Labour’s record in government.

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Good news on Scotland’s economy you might have missed

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Economic growth up, employment up and unemployment down: how we’re delivering progress on Scotland’s economy.

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Supporting a strong NHS workforce

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We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the staff who work in our NHS. Day in and day out, doctors, nurses and support staff deliver world class care for patients in Scotland.

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How we’re investing in rural infrastructure fit for the future

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We understand that to achieve our vision for Scotland’s economy we must ensure that rural communities have infrastructure fit for the future. Here’s how, in government, we’re doing that.

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Employment in Scotland: get the facts

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Despite the challenges we face as a result of Brexit, Scotland’s jobs market remains strong. Here’s everything you need to know about how we’ll keep delivering progress on jobs.

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The murky world of Tory ‘dark money’

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A secretive trust has donated almost £320,000 to the Tories since 2001 – including donations to the campaigns of current Tory MPs and MSPs, including the Scottish Secretary David Mundell.

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How we’re supporting greener ways to get around

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We’re investing in greener ways to get around: creating new opportunities for walking and cycling; to drive low emission cars; or use greener public transport.

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Supporting a strong rural economy

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Here’s how, in government, the SNP is supporting a strong rural economy in Scotland.

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Our NHS isn’t safe in Tory hands

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Theresa May has now been forced in appointing a new Cabinet, yet this one appears to be even more extreme than the old one – especially when it comes our NHS.

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Scotland is leading the world

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Scotland is a progressive nation, brimming with innovation and confident of its role in the world. Today, Scotland is at the forefront of tackling some of the biggest issues of the 21st century.

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Our plan to tackle food insecurity

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After eight years of Tory welfare cuts, more and more people are relying on emergency food support. This is unacceptable.

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The UK Brexit White Paper: what it should have said

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Almost 750 days on since the EU referendum, the chaotic UK government has finally published a Brexit plan.

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The murky world of Tories’ dark money donations finally exposed

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Over the past week, there have been some pretty damning revelations emerging over how the Scottish Tories are being bankrolled.

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Scotland’s new Cabinet

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Nicola Sturgeon has appointed a new, refreshed Scottish Cabinet. The addition of new talent will ensure that the SNP government continues to deliver progress for Scotland.

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Scotland’s new ministerial team: what you need to know

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has appointed a new, refreshed Scottish Government Cabinet. Here are the positions that have been announced. 

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Timeline: every time the Tories have ignored Scotland on Brexit

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In 2016 Scotland voted decisively to remain in Europe. Since then, Westminster has ignored the will of Scotland’s parliament at every turn.

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Depute leader tasked with ‘building case’ for independence

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Keith Brown is to dedicate his time and energy to his new depute leader role and become the standing campaign director for the SNP – with responsibility for building the case for Scotland to become an independent country.

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How you can help us build a better Scotland

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Scotland is already amongst the fairer and wealthiest countries, with your help we can seize the opportunity of greater prosperity and higher living standards.

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Two years on from the Brexit referendum: here’s what we know

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Since the EU referendum, the Tory government has been so riven by infighting that they are left united on just one issue – a power grab on the Scottish Parliament which rips up the founding principles of devolution.

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EU Withdrawal Bill power grab: what you need to know

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SNP MPs will vote to protect the devolution settlement that people in Scotland overwhelmingly voted for in 1997.

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Scotland can match the fairest and most prosperous countries in the world

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Scotland is a trailblazer in financial services, tech, medicine, life sciences, renewable energy and even satellites. We are brimming with potential.

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Growing confidence and optimism about Scotland’s potential

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As the SNP gathers in Aberdeen, new research has found that confidence in an independent Scotland’s economic prospects has soared.