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Meet the SNP MPs and MSPs that worked in our health service

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Our National Health Service is our most cherished institution. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the hardworking men and women who deliver world-class health care day in and day out.

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5 reasons why Labour should back employment law devolution

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Here are just five ways we could make Scotland fairer now with the devolution of employment law.

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Helping young people afford a home of their own

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We know that for far too many young people who want to rent or buy a home it’s an ambition that is often beyond their reach. We’re working to change that – here’s how.

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Scotland is home: EU nationals and Scots living in Europe on Brexit

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Here are just four people who have made Scotland their home, or have found a new home in Europe, who have given us their thoughts on Brexit.

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Our plan to tackle child poverty

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We are determined to eradicate child poverty in Scotland. We have passed a new Child Poverty Act, published a new action plan and introduced a £50 million fund to step up our efforts.

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Scotland’s economy: get the facts

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We are absolutely committed to building a more competitive, more sustainable and fairer economy.

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We’re delivering a safer Scotland.

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Delivering safer communities is vital for the people of Scotland. Everyone has the right to feel safe and have confidence in their police and fire services.

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Five articles you need to read this weekend

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It has been said that a week is a long time in politics, that’s doubly true in the age of Brexit. So to make things easier, we’ve put together a short list of the articles you need to read this weekend.

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The Tory cuts that are pushing up poverty

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Tory cuts to public spending and social security will push a further 1 million children into poverty across the UK by 2021-22.

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Supporting students: our record

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Here are just some of the ways an SNP government has helped young people get the skills and opportunities they need.

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The Tories have let down rural Scotland

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The Tories have shown that they will hold the party line whatever the cost to Scotland. Here are just some of the ways the Tories have let down rural Scotland.

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Building a better Scotland: our investment in infrastructure

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From new hospitals, schools, affordable homes to the longest new domestic railway line the UK has seen for 100 years, we’re building a better Scotland. Here’s just ten ways we’ve been doing just that.

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Tory power grab threatens Scotland’s world-class food brand

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This is what the power grab means in practice. Losing the right and the ability potentially to market Scottish produce as Scottish, to protect its provenance or to prevent unhelpful practices find their way into our food chain.

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Scotland’s strong export performance: get the facts

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For centuries Scotland’s exports have reached every corner of the globe – and our trade performance continues to grow and strengthen.

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SNP reaction to the UK Spring Statement

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Read the SNP response to the Chancellor’s Spring Statement.

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7 ways we’re keeping homes affordable

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In government, we’re building more homes, we’re helping people buy their first home, we’re tackling fuel poverty and we’re ensuring tenants in the private rented sector don’t get ripped off.

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13 facts about the health service under the SNP

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Under the SNP health funding is at a record high, more people are working in our NHS than ever before, and patient satisfaction is at it’s highest level on record.

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Brexit: what happened this week

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A lot has happened this week on Brexit: from the Scottish Government introducing a Bill to protect devolution, to the UK government’s latest shambolic negotiation efforts.

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Scottish EU Continuity Bill and UK Withdrawal Bill: in 200 words

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The UK government has introduced the EU Withdrawal Bill (the ‘Repeal Bill’). Here are the facts.

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Ruth Davidson has lost control of a Tory party that is letting Scotland down

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After months of bluff and bluster, we now know that all of Ruth Davidson’s boasts and assurances about Brexit were nothing more than empty promises.

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Here’s how the Scottish budget will support young people

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The Scottish budget makes the investments needed to support young people into work, tackle the cost of living and ensure everyone can afford a home of their own.

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Scottish budget: what it means for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

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Scottish budget: what it means for North and South Lanarkshire

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for people in North and South Lanarkshire.

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Scottish budget: what it means for the Highlands and Islands

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for the Highlands, Islands and Northern Isles.

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Scottish budget: what it means for the West of Scotland

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for people across the West of Scotland: in Renfrewshire, Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde.

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Scottish budget: what it means for Ayrshire

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The Scottish budget for the next year has been passed by the Scottish Parliament. Here’s what the SNP budget means for people across Ayrshire.

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How we’re making Scottish Income Tax fairer

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The Scottish Parliament has approved Income Tax rates for next year, ensuring 7 in 10 taxpayers pay less.

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Vote 100

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To mark the centenary of women’s suffrage, we are highlighting 100 women who represent the SNP in 2018.