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My Articles

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Scotland: creating the jobs of the future

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Our ambition is for Scotland to be the inventor and the manufacturer of the innovations and technologies of the future – not just the consumer of them.

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Growing Scotland’s successful food and drink sector

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Scotland’s food and drink sector is vitally important to our economy – the industry is worth £14.4 billion and supports 119,000 jobs across the country.

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Our plan for a migration system that protects our public services and economy

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It is clear that Scotland needs a tailored approach to immigration, one that is made in Scotland and is accountable to the people who live here.

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Fact check: the Labour record on publicly-run public services

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When it comes to private sector involvement in public services, Labour are big on rhetoric. But their record in government tells a different story.

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The Scottish budget: what you need to know

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The Finance Secretary, Derek Mackay, has set out the Scottish Government’s budget plans for the year ahead. Here’s what you need to know.

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Scotland’s colleges: get the facts

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Thanks to the hard work of those who work in Scotland’s colleges, more students are achieving recognised qualifications and are going on to further study, training or work.

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Learning from the best: how we’re building a fairer and more inclusive country

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We are working to build a more inclusive economy, where the benefits of economic growth are more fairly shared across society. To do that we’re learning from the best in the world. Here’s how.

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5 ways Scotland is leading the way on health and social care

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From tackling obesity to responding to an aging population, here are just five ways Scotland is leading the way on health.

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Our action for island communities

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Scotland has over 790 islands and more than 10,000 miles of coastline. Our islands are home to stunning scenery, world-famous whisky distilleries, and fantastic musical and cultural festivals.

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Our plan for Scotland: investing in the jobs of the future

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Here’s how the SNP Scottish Government’s plans will support a modern, dynamic and open economy.

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What is Labour’s position on Brexit?

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Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party does not support permanent Single Market membership after Brexit. Being taken out could damage our economy, jobs and living standards.

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Standing up for older people

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From providing record health spending to free personal care, the SNP government is taking action to support Scotland’s older people.

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Scotland’s Brexit plan: protecting jobs and living standards

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Ahead of the second stage of Brexit negotiations, the First Minister has launched new analysis of the economic impact on Scotland leaving the EU.

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How we’re cutting plastic waste in Scotland

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Plastic doesn’t biodegrade, making it important to reduce the amount of plastic we waste and recycle more. Here are just some of the ways we’re taking action to reduce plastic waste.

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How we’re helping young people find fair work

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We have met our target to reduce youth unemployment by 40 per cent, four years ahead of schedule, with a rate that is amongst the lowest in the EU.

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Fact check: the Tory record on the environment

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The UK government has now launched a new plan for the environment but on so many issues they’re playing catch-up with our approach in Scotland.

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Our plan to end exploitative work

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While Scotland now has a lower proportion of workers on zero-hours contracts than the UK average, too many people aren’t given the job security they deserve from their employer.

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A budget for equality

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The Scottish budget supports our ambition for a more inclusive Scotland – not just because that’s good for individuals and communities but because it’s good for our economy too.

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Scotland: the best deal for taxpayers of anywhere in the UK

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If you are a tax payer in Scotland you get more for your money, a much better deal, than anywhere else in the UK.

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Scottish budget: what it means for businesses

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The Scottish budget makes significant new investments to ensure that Scotland is the best place to do business and invest. Here’s what you need to know.

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The “Single Market” explained

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To protect jobs, living standards, our economy and public services, we will continue to fight for membership of the European Single Market.

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Scotland’s mental health strategy: what you need to know

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The SNP Scottish Government has launched it’s new ten-year Mental Health Strategy, setting out 40 actions to improve access to services and ensure people get help earlier.

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The cost of Tory government

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It’s now over seven and a half years since the Tories took office. People in Scotland are paying a high price for the decisions they have taken. We’ve run up the cost.

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Our plan for Scotland: tackling poverty and inequality

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Here’s how the Scottish Government’s programme for the next year will tackle poverty and inequality.

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The future’s far from bright in Brexit Britain

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The UK Chancellor has published his budget plans for the year ahead. When you look beyond all the Tory smoke and mirrors, this budget makes very gloomy reading.

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The UK budget: what it means for you

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On the cost of living, jobs and public services, this is a budget that fails to deliver for people in Scotland. Here’s what you need to know.

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Working with our Nordic and Baltic neighbours

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Here are just some of the ways we’re working with our Northern neighbours.

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Maintaining Scotland’s global leadership on climate change and the environment

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Scotland has met its world-leading climate change targets for three years running – outperforming all countries in Western Europe except Sweden.