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Labour more shameless than the Tories on Brexit

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Just when you thought the UK Government’s shambolic Brexit negotiations couldn’t get any worse, we had the embarrassing spectacle of the EU summit in Salzburg.

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Let’s consign a decade of Tory austerity to the dustbin of history

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This week marks a decade since the financial crisis of 2008, where UK taxpayers were forced to pay billions to bail out the banks.

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Investment in more mental health experts is crucial for the future of young people

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Mhairi Black MP on the SNP’s plans to ensure every secondary school has a counselling service.

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Scotland didn’t vote for austerity but it still cost us £2.6billion

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As MPs head back to Westminster for the start of the new parliamentary year, the coming weeks and months will be a real test of credibility for Tory and Labour politicians in Scotland.

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Poorest in society will pay the price for Tory and Labour Brexit mess

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The UK government must immediately rule out a no deal Brexit, and the Tories and Labour must finally get behind our compromise plan to remain in the single market and customs union.

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The scandal of the Tories’ universal credit sanctions

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The UK Government’s universal credit system has been deeply flawed since its disastrous roll-out began – and all of the evidence shows it is actively harmful to claimants.

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Theresa May must stamp out Tory racism and bigotry

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Boris Johnson is no stranger to controversy. But last week, his remarks about Muslim women and their clothing were the height of bigotry and utterly ­inexcusable.

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UK government must stop the eviction of asylum seekers in Glasgow

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The past week has been a rollercoaster for around 300 asylum seekers in Glasgow who were told by a private housing provider that they faced eviction because they had been refused asylum.

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Ruth Davidson’s Scottish Tories are complicit in steering us towards a catastrophe

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With each week that goes by the Prime Minister’s authority is increasingly ebbing away

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Tories will have a heavy price to pay for ignoring Scotland

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Theresa May was forced to accept extreme Brexit amendments from her right-wing ­backbenchers, to prevent a vote of no confidence in her leadership.

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President Donald Trump could threaten very fabric of democracy

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Some people still try to defend Donald Trump and his deeply unwelcome visit. What his supporters usually say is: “It is important to respect the office of the president.” The answer to that is: “We will – when he starts to.”

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Theresa May’s Chequers fudge sees Scotland dragged to brink of Brexit abyss

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Theresa May’s Cabinet Chequers lockdown was more fudge than a step forward. With their phones confiscated and threat of a taxi back home instead of a ministerial car, the day resembled a scene out of The Thick of It.

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Planned red carpet treatment for Trump on UK visit makes my stomach churn

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When it comes to immigration, Donald Trump and Theresa May have a lot in common.

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Scotland will not be silenced on Tory power grab

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This week the Tories pressed ahead with their attack on Scottish devolution – railroading through a bill that grab powers from the Scottish Parliament and keeps them at Westminster.

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Mhairi Black: Davidson’s Tories are anything but progressive

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Make no mistake, Davidson and her pals may tour the TV studios telling people the Tories are progressive but it doesn’t resemble reality.

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Scotland must have and can have a brighter, better future

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We are a small country brimful of talent and resources and with the knowledge that small nations can be the most successful.

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You can’t trust the Tories to stand up for Scotland

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What is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Time and again, they have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of standing up for Scotland and our national interests.

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Theresa May couldn’t deliver a pizza, never mind Brexit

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Prime Minister’s Questions is that moment every week when Theresa May looks increasingly like someone caught in the headlights. Four of my colleagues added to her misery last week.

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It’s time to take firm action and stop ticket touts ripping off music fans

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If you want to see your favourite band – get on the internet, book it and pay for it. But anyone who has tried to book tickets recently will know that is not always how it happens.

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We can’t rely on the Tories for a fair society so we must do it ourselves

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The devastating reality of Tory cuts became even clearer this week when the Trussell Trust published statistics showing that even more families are having to rely on foodbanks to get by.

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Tories treatment of the Windrush generation is a disgrace

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The Tories’ treatment of the Windrush generation is a disgrace.

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Bombing action led by Trump’s tweets risks making the Syrian humanitarian crisis worse

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Back in 2015, David Cameron brought forward a debate on military action against ISIS in Syria, following the abhorrent terrorist attacks in Paris.

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Gender wage gap figures make for shocking reading as women must wait two more centuries for equality

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All companies, charities and public sector bodies with more than 250 employees were required to publish the difference in the hourly rate paid to men and women last week.

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Tories think they can do anything they want with Scotland and get away with it

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During Whitehall meeting last week, a senior Home Office official said: “We look upon Scotland as the ultimate laboratory.” It’s absolutely gob-smacking.

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‘Diversity training’ is not enough to combat racial hatred

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From the events of the past few weeks, you would be forgiven for thinking that Scottish Labour’s solution to any problem is “diversity training”.

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Last week showed an archaic Westminster at its very worst

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Last week was just one of those weeks that put Westminster into perspective for me; at times it really showed this archaic monstrosity at it’s worst. But there was two things that really stuck out for me.

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The Tories are letting young people down but the SNP will continue to lead the way

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Last week marked a decade since the SNP government scrapped university tuition fees in Scotland.

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Labour’s backing for a job-destroying Brexit deal is unforgivable

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Mhairi Black MP: Their position on Brexit is a shambles. They are aiding and abetting right-wing Tory plans for an extreme Brexit which will do huge damage to the Scottish economy, jobs and living standards.