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We cannot allow Brexit to derail our focus on delivering a better Scotland

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This week First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will set out the Scottish Government’s plans for the year ahead in her Programme for Government speech.

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Nicola Sturgeon to Theresa May: time to set out plan B on Brexit

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Ahead of meeting the Prime Minister in Edinburgh today, the First Minister has demanded that Prime Minister Theresa May sets out her plan B on Brexit. Here’s what Nicola Sturgeon has said in full.

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Final countdown to Glasgow’s ‘festival of sport’ is on

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The one week countdown to Scotland’s biggest sporting event since the 2014 Commonwealth Games is on and it’s a festival of sport happening right here in Glasgow.

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The NHS is an integral part of the fabric of our country and it must always be protected

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Last week the country came together to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS – considered by the vast majority of us to be our most precious and cherished institution.

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Theresa May must face down those who would take us over cliff edge

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Tomorrow, at a country house in Buckinghamshire, the latest episode of the farce that passes as policymaking in the Tory party will be played out.

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With the powers of our Parliament under threat, today is a crucial day in the history of devolution

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Today Westminster MPs will vote either to defend the Scottish Parliament or to fundamentally undermine it.

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Nicola Sturgeon’s address to SNP conference in Aberdeen

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Read SNP Leader and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s address to the SNP conference in Aberdeen.

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An independent Scotland can reject austerity and build a better society

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As delegates head to Aberdeen this Friday for SNP conference, there has been a palpable change in the air in Scottish political debate.

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Independence can help us achieve our ambitions for Scotland

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It’s right that we have a debate on what an independent Scotland could look like and how independence can help us achieve our ambitions for the country.

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Achieving our full potential as an independent nation

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The task ahead for Scotland is to match those other small, successful nations, creating more jobs and raising living standards, providing a better future for everyone who lives here.

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Mental health is just as important as physical health

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon marks Mental Health Awareness Week.

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Scotland can lead the next era of radical technological change

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Scotland is a bold and positive country, rich in history and heritage, but forging ahead in a way that is progressive, pioneering and inclusive.

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Trade with China is booming – we’re working to grow it further

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Six days and three cities later – Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong – I am confident that my visit to China was a success.

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s UNICEF speech in China

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Read the speech given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to a joint Scottish Government/UNICEF event in Beijing on children’s rights.

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Our new Income Supplement will help reduce unacceptable levels of poverty

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Nicola Sturgeon sets out how the SNP government is tackling child poverty in Scotland, including through a commitment to a new Income Supplement.

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Theresa May’s flying visit to Scotland just won’t cut it

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Nicola Sturgeon on Theresa May’s flying visit to Scotland to mark one year to go until the UK is set to leave the EU.

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Scottish exports are booming but Brexit threatens our brand

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As our food and drink exports now reach record levels, it has never been more important to protect our worldwide reputation as a producer of excellence in food and drink.

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Nicola Sturgeon speech to the Scottish Women’s Convention

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Read the speech given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to the Scottish Women’s Convention on the week of International Women’s Day.

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Only Nordic-style deal can protect trade and jobs

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Nicola Sturgeon has called on the Prime Minister to defy Tory hardliners on Brexit, warning that only a Norway-style deal with the EU can deliver on the promise to protect trade and jobs.

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We’re on track to deliver a transformation in childcare provision

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By 2020, the SNP government will provide every single three, four and eligible two year old with 1,140 hours a year of high-quality nursery education.

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100 years on, the fight for true equality for all continues

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Nicola Sturgeon on the 100th anniversary of the UK Parliament passing the Representation of the People Act, which first gave women the right to vote.

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It’s time the Tories put jobs and living standards first in Brexit talks

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The UK government’s failure to produce any meaningful economic analysis of how Brexit could affect us is a shameful dereliction of duty.

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Nicola Sturgeon speech on Brexit at the David Hume Institute

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Read the speech given by Nicola Sturgeon at the David Hume Institute on Tuesday 16 January 2018, setting out the Scottish Government’s position on the Single Market, the EU Withdrawal Bill and migration.

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Nicola Sturgeon: the hard Brexiteers have had their chance and failed

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This week the Scottish Government will publish a detailed study on the implications of leaving the European Union. Here’s what First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said ahead of the publication.

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Nicola Sturgeon: A spirit of Scottish assertiveness will fight an extreme Brexit

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The year ahead has the potential to be one of the most significant in Scotland’s recent history.

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9 ways we’ve stood up for Scotland this year

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The past 12 months have seen continued Westminster cuts and the damaging impact of a Tory Brexit – but the SNP has chosen a different path and delivered for everyone in Scotland.

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Save our banks

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I know that more and more of us do our banking on the internet or by phone but that simply isn’t an option for everyone. RBS and the banking industry need to think again.

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Building a fair, inclusive and more prosperous Scotland for everyone

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Ahead of the Scottish budget, Nicola Sturgeon sets out how it will help build a fairer Scotland, including delivering new action to tackle homelessness.