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How we’re working to end homelessness

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We’ve set a new goal to end rough sleeping for good and are taking new action to make that a reality.

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s speech to the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn

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Read Nicola Sturgeon’s speech on climate change in Bonn in full.

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Apology to those convicted for same-sex sexual activity that is now legal

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Read the statement given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, giving an apology for historic discriminatory convictions for same-sex sexual activity that it is now legal.

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Nicola Sturgeon on the key tests that will guide discussion on Income Tax

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Read First Minister Nicola Sturgeon ahead of the launch of the Scottish Government’s paper on The Role of Income Tax in the Scottish Budget

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Putting Scotland on the right track to a healthier future

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Read Nicola Sturgeon on the Scottish Government’s efforts to tackle obesity.

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Universal Credit: a human and political catastrophe

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Read Nicola Sturgeon on why the UK government should halt the roll-out of Universal Credit so the serious flaws can be properly addressed.

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We remain full of the energy and vision needed to build a better Scotland

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The SNP’s annual conference kicks off in Glasgow today – and, more than 10 years into government, we remain the dominant force in Scottish politics.

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Young people are our future

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Growing up in a working class community in Ayrshire in the 1980s, I was fortunate to be supported by loving parents. I came from a stable home, and was supported in my ambitions to study law at Glasgow Uni – which I was able to do without paying any tuition fees.

But I was also conscious that many other children in communities like mine were badly affected by the policies of Margaret Thatcher’s government.

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We are the only government in the UK to give a firm commitment to lifting the pay cap

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Making pay fairer is something I’ve been personally committed to as First Minister.

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Nicola Sturgeon speech marking 20 years since Scotland’s devolution referendum

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Our job today is to protect what we won in 1997 – and then make sure we continue to build upon it.

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20 years on from the devolution referendum – our Parliament faces a power grab

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Tomorrow is a day to quietly celebrate a landmark in Scottish democracy – but it should also mark the start of concerted, cross-party efforts to defend our Parliament.

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on the Programme for Government

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Read the First Minister’s statement on the Scottish Government’s plan for 2017-18.

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon looks ahead to the Scottish Government’s programme for the next year

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It is time to refocus our efforts and refresh our agenda to meet the changing needs of our people and the unprecedented challenges of our times.

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Speech by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Scotland’s economy

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Nicola Sturgeon on Scotland’s economic future, its challenges and opportunities.

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Statement from Scottish and Welsh First Ministers on protecting devolution

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales, are meeting today to discuss working together to protect devolution from a Westminster power grab.

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10,000 parents register for the Baby Box in one week

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The SNP are determined to make Scotland one of the best countries in the world to bring up a child, and the Baby Box is just one of the many actions we are taking in government to make that ambition a reality.