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Fact check: Labour built less than half the number of homes for social rent than they claim

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The SNP has delivered almost 52,600 homes for social rent, including 9,799 council homes.

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A better economic future for Scotland: what you need to know

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The Sustainable Growth Commission has published its final report – here’s what you need to know.

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SNP to hold National Assemblies on Scotland’s economic future

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Nicola Sturgeon has announced that a series of National Assemblies will be held over the summer to debate and discuss the report’s recommendations.

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Delivering progress for rural Scotland

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From Wick to Wigtown, we are committed to delivering progress in every part of Scotland: supporting jobs, delivering quality public services and investing in infrastructure.

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Our action on obesity

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Nicola Sturgeon has announced that Scotland will aim to halve childhood obesity by 2030. Here’s our plan.

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£3 billion worth of infrastructure projects delivered in a year

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In the past year infrastructure projects worth £3 billion were delivered in Scotland, including new schools, hospitals and roads.

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Our action to end homelessness

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Scotland’s homelessness legislation is amongst the most progressive in the world. We have made huge progress in tackling homelessness, but we are aware of worrying signs of an increase in rough sleeping.

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Made in Scotland: protecting Scotland’s brand

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Scotland’s food and drink sector is vitally important to our economy – the industry is worth £14.4 billion and supports 119,000 jobs across the country.

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Investing in mental health services for young people

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We are determined to ensure that our mental health services give young people the advice, support and care that they need.

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Complete correspondence between SNP and Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group

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On 7th February 2016, the SNP contacted a company called Cambridge Analytica to find out more about their services.

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Scotland’s Social Security Bill: what you need to know

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The landmark Social Security Bill marks a new milestone in the development of a Scottish social security system with dignity and respect at its heart.

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Fact check: the Tories’ EU Withdrawal Bill offer

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Put simply, the Tory government’s latest offer would mean they could ban Holyrood from passing laws in certain devolved areas without our consent for up to seven years.

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Tories lived up to their ‘nasty party’ reputation this week

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From their callous dismissal of the human impact of welfare cuts, to their heartless immigration policy, the Tories are fully living up to their ‘nasty party’ reputation.

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Made in Scotland: securing our manufacturing future

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Manufacturing is hugely important to Scotland’s economy, accounting for over half of our international exports and employing nearly 190,000 people across the country.

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Factcheck: the Tory promises to shipyard workers on the Clyde

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Scottish shipyards have been sold down the river by the Tories.

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A year on from election call, a weak Theresa May is still letting Scotland down

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Today marks a year since Theresa May made her ill-fated decision to call a General Election in an attempt to ‘strengthen her hand’.

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Mhairi Hunter: My Mum, Auntie Allison, helped make the SNP a driving force in Scottish politics

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That the SNP is such a driving force in politics and able to deliver transformational change in Glasgow – and across Scotland – is in no small part down to the hard work of women like my Mum. I’m incredibly proud of that.

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s visit to China: boosting trade, tourism, culture and education links

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Nicola Sturgeon has just ended a visit to China to promote Scotland. From promoting Scottish businesses to building new education and cultural links, it’s been a successful visit.

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5 ways trade and tourism between Scotland and China is booming

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is in China promoting trade, tourism and cultural links with the country. Here’s how trade and tourism between Scotland and China is already booming