Good news you might have missed

The good news kept coming this week. Here’s just some of it, in case you missed it.

In January to March of this year Scotland’s economy growth hit the highest levels since the end of 2014. In fact, Scotland’s economy grew four times the UK-wide average.



UK government figures confirm Scotland is the most successful part of the UK for attracting inward investment, outside of London and the South East.


The figures show that over 5,500 jobs were created in Scotland in 2016/17 as a result of inward investment.



A record number of Scottish graduates are finding work or going on to further study – higher than elsewhere in the UK.



A new report was published on the lessons that the health services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can learn from the good work being done here in Scotland.



Get the highlights from the report here.


Scotland is closing the start-up gap between women and men, with women starting businesses at a far faster rate than men.



And, Scotland’s castles have seen an ‘Outlander’ surge, with a big jump in visits to castles that have appeared in the TV series.



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