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Our plan for Scotland: transforming mental health services for young people

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Outlining our plan for Scotland, the First Minister recognised that mental wellbeing is as important as physical health – that is as true for young people as it is for everyone else.

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As schools go back, education reform work continues

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This government’s number one priority remains education. My focus for the new term will be improving attainment and ensuring excellence and equity for all, as it has been since I took up post.

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It’s time to take firm action and stop ticket touts ripping off music fans

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If you want to see your favourite band – get on the internet, book it and pay for it. But anyone who has tried to book tickets recently will know that is not always how it happens.

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Investing in mental health services for young people

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We are determined to ensure that our mental health services give young people the advice, support and care that they need.

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