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7 ways we’re keeping homes affordable

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In government, we’re building more homes, we’re helping people buy their first home, we’re tackling fuel poverty and we’re ensuring tenants in the private rented sector don’t get ripped off.

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Labour more shameless than the Tories on Brexit

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Just when you thought the UK Government’s shambolic Brexit negotiations couldn’t get any worse, we had the embarrassing spectacle of the EU summit in Salzburg.

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For Yes to win next time, and there will be a next time, we too need to up our game

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I was encouraged this week to hear from Sky News about their plans to set up an independent commission to oversee Leaders Debates in future General Elections.

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FMQs – Ruth Davidson’s breathtaking political opportunism

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Nicola Sturgeon exposes the “political opportunism” of the Tories and Ruth Davidson.

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National Assemblies: what our members said

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We asked some of the members that attended what they thought of the National Assemblies – here’s what they said.

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Let’s consign a decade of Tory austerity to the dustbin of history

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This week marks a decade since the financial crisis of 2008, where UK taxpayers were forced to pay billions to bail out the banks.

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Join our Day of Action and help us learn where the nation is

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The SNP Day of Action on Saturday 29 September will be a day to remember.

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Our plan for a fairer and more equal Scotland

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced the Scottish Government’s plans for the year ahead.