Our Vision

International Affairs

A good global citizen

Scotland’s place in Europe matters to us as a nation and being part of a wider European family of nations has brought us benefits. We continue to believe that EU membership is the best option for Scotland. If the UK is to leave the EU, we want the least-worst deal possible for jobs and living standards – that must mean staying in the Single Market and Customs Union.

We believe that Scotland needs a tailored approach to migration, one that is made in Scotland and is accountable to the people who live here. The SNP will continue to seek devolution of immigration powers so that Scotland can have an immigration policy that works for our economy and society. And we will stand firm against the demonisation of migrants.

In government we are working to ensure Scotland is a good global citizen. We have doubled Scotland’s International Development Fund to £9 million per annum, and launched the Climate Justice Fund to support countries that will be worst affected by climate change.

We are committed to ensuring Scotland plays its part in resolving the international refugee crisis. We support efforts for a more coordinated European response on Syrian refugees, with all states playing a fair role as set out by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

We will continue to put human rights and the rights of women at the heart of our international relations work. We’re proud that the UN asked Scotland to lead on a women’s peacemaking initiative for Syria. We will continue this work by training at least 50 women every year from international conflict zones in prevention and resolution of conflict.

We oppose plans to waste up to £205 billion on a new Trident nuclear weapons system. We will instead seek to have that money invested in public services and in support for jobs and services at Faslane.

We wish to see proper oversight and approval for any future military action, which would need to be in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter and approved by Parliament.

We support the establishment of a special envoy – a diplomatic post within the Foreign Office – to promote the rights of LGBTI people throughout the world, as an integral part of UK foreign policy.