How is the SNP encouraging people to be more active?

Over the next parliament we will implement the Active Scotland Outcomes Framework, which sets out Scotland’s ambitions for sport and physical activity and underpins our ambitions to get the nation more active.

Having delivered our commitment to 150 Community Sports Hubs by April 2016 we will now go further and will increase the number of Community Sports Hubs to 200 by 2020, with greater targeting to areas of deprivation.

Our ambition is for Scotland to be the first ‘Daily Mile’ nation with roll out to nurseries, schools, colleges, universities and workplaces across the country. Every school will be offered help to become a Daily Mile school.

We have set up a Women and Girls in Sport Advisory Group to provide independent advice on female participation and awareness raising in all areas of sport and physical activity. 

Alongside this, we have established a £300,000 Sporting Equality Fund to increase the participation, engagement and promotion of women in sport and we will continue to support efforts to end LGBTI discrimination in sport.