How will the SNP support the cultural sector in the face of Brexit?

The Tory plan to leave the European Single Market has the potential to greatly harm our creative industries’ ability to operate and be successful. As new trading relationships are formed, we will work to ensure that the interests of Scotland’s vital industries, including the creative sector, are represented. This will include backing policies which ensure copyright and IP protections support our industries.

The SNP Scottish Government has made representations to both the European Commission and the UK government on the Digital Single Market proposals. Whilst proposals present many great opportunities, there are complexities which require further discussion. As negotiations continue, we will continue to press the UK government for representations to be made, to ensure our interests are represented.

SNP MPs will continue to demand clarity and certainty over existing EU funding and will fight any and all attempts to grab Scotland’s funding for Westminster. Culture, historic environment and creative industries benefit greatly from EU partnership and funding programmes such as European Structural and Investment Funds, Horizon 2020 and Creative Europe.