What action will the SNP to improve trans and intersex equality?

Our same-sex marriage legislation is seen by many as one of the most progressive equal marriage laws in the world because of the provisions on gender identity and gender reassignment equality. We must now build on this to do more to progress equality for trans people.

We have committed to reviewing and reforming gender recognition law, so that it’s in line with international best practice for people who are Transgender or Intersex. As such, we launched a consultation on new legislation to streamline – and make less intrusive – the process for transgender people to be legally recognised in their acquired gender.

The consultation is now closed, all responses will be analysed and considered along with any other available evidence to help inform the Government’s decisions on taking the review further. We aim to take action in response to the consultation shortly afterwards, with new arrangements in place by 2020.

At Westminster, SNP MPs will also press the UK government to match the Scottish Government’s commitment to legislation within this parliament. In addition to reforming gender recognition law, SNP MPs will push the UK government to allow non-binary people to record their gender as “X” on passports and all other UK-wide records and identity documents.

SNP MPs at Westminster are also calling on the UK government to amend the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that all trans and non-binary people are covered by discrimination protections. We will also press for intersex people and organisations to be fully consulted by the UK government on changes to the law and policy to introduce effective protections for intersex people’s human rights.

The SNP Scottish Government will also build on and improve the standalone protocol that’s been developed in Scotland for people seeking gender reassignment, which has provided a clearer and consistent treatment pathway that is equitable, effective, and patient-focussed.