What do the SNP’s reforms to Council Tax mean?

The SNP are committed to a tax system that is proportionate to people’s ability to pay. That’s why our plans ensure those living in lower-band properties A to D – at least 75 per cent of all households in Scotland – will pay the same, or even less, in Council Tax.

Our reforms to Council Tax, in place since April 2017, protect household incomes, make local taxation fairer and ensure local authorities continue to be properly funded while becoming more accountable. The reforms will raise an additional £500 million for Council services over the current Parliament.

Additionally, in 2018-19, the average charge for all property bands, including E, F, G and H, is between £300 and £450 lower in Scotland than England.

We have put in place an exemption for higher-band households who are below average earnings – up to a maximum of £25,000 net income. This will exempt 54,000 households from changes – a third of them pensioner households.

We will also protect low income households by extending the Council Tax Reduction Scheme to low income households with children. This will directly benefit 77,000 low income households by an average of £173 per year, including 140,000 children. Between 2013/14 and the end of 2018/19, we will have invested over £1.4 billion in the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, assisting almost half a million households each year to meet their council tax.