What is the SNP’s plan for Brexit?

Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit, we all know that. But if the UK is to leave Europe, we want the best deal for Scotland. Unlike Labour or the Tories, the SNP has a plan on Brexit that would, as far as possible, protect jobs and our economy. 

At present the UK government looks like they’ll get a bad deal, or no deal at all. We don’t want to risk that. Latest research presents a stark picture of the economic shock a bad deal will have on Scotland – warning it will leave every Scot worse off by £2,300 a year, wipe out 80,000 jobs, and damage growth and business opportunities for decades.

The UK government urgently needs to change tack. And Norway’s deal with the EU points the way forward. Norway is not a member of the EU but, in almost all areas, Norwegian businesses trade across the EU without extra charges or barriers. That’s because Norway, like Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein, is in the Single Market. 

Norway is one of the most successful countries in the world. It regularly tops the table for wealth, equality and living standards. In contrast, all evidence points to the UK’s current approach to Brexit being bad for household incomes and our economy. 

So if the UK government won’t fight for a deal for the whole of the UK that protects jobs – we want one for Scotland. To do so, we think Scotland should get a Norway-style deal after Brexit, even if the Tory government negotiates for a bad deal for the whole of the UK. 

We’re working with other parties – and the devolved government in Wales – to convince the UK government that if the UK is leaving the EU they need to get the best deal possible.