Policy Area

Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries

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How are the SNP supporting woodland creation?

The SNP are supporting woodland creation and improvement through the Forestry Grant Scheme, and are committed to boosting the planting rate in the forestry sector. In particular, we will support the planting of woodland which can help prevent flooding and assist in water basin management. We will also explore how public sector pension funds can…

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How do the SNP plan to ensure that Scotland’s fishermen get a fair deal in Europe?

We will continue to demand the scrapping or fundamental reform of the CFP and Scottish control of fisheries – and oppose any attempt to treat the fishing industry as a Brexit bargaining chip. We will also oppose any attempt by the UK government to treat the fishing industry as a bargaining chip. Having sold out…

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How are the SNP supporting Scotland’s fishing industry?

We have supported the viability and profitability of Scotland’s fisheries, sustaining existing markets and developing new markets by allocating £77 million of support to over 1,200 projects. We will continue to do everything we can to ensure Scottish fishing quota is retained in the hands of active Scottish fishermen, and that quota speculation is ended….

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How are the SNP protecting wild salmon?

Scotland’s salmon are a valuable and important asset which we must protect and balance conserving stocks with the interests of those who fish for salmon.

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Why have the Scottish Government banned GM crops?

The SNP Scottish Government took the decision to opt out of the use of GM crops to protect Scotland’s environment and support Scottish agriculture. Scotland is world renowned for its natural, high quality food and drink, and this is greatly promoted both at home and abroad by our reputation for being clean and green. This…

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How do the SNP plan to support Scottish dairy farmers in low price crisis?

The Scottish Government are taking a range of measures to help secure the dairy sector’s future. In March 2015 the Scottish Government launched the Dairy Action Plan with 25 actions under a number of different themes. The Scottish Government has called on buyers to be more transparent about the prices they are paying dairy farmers,…

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How do the SNP plan to ensure that Scotland’s farmers get a fair deal in Europe?

The EU is Scotland’s biggest overseas regional food and drink export market, with exports of food and drink worth £2 billion in 2015. That’s why we believe that the UK as a whole should stay in the European Single Market but, if the UK decides to leave, Scotland should remain a member of the single…

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