Policy Area

Arts, Broadcasting & Culture

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How will the SNP support the cultural sector in the face of Brexit?

The Tory plan to leave the European Single Market has the potential to greatly harm our creative industries’ ability to operate and be successful. As new trading relationships are formed, we will work to ensure that the interests of Scotland’s vital industries, including the creative sector, are represented. This will include backing policies which ensure…

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What is the SNP policy on local content on radio?

As the UK government consults on proposals to reduce the requirement for local content on radio, SNP MPs will seek to protect local news and other content provided by local commercial radio stations, recognising the valuable contribution they make to informing and entertaining listeners.

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Does the SNP support tax reliefs for the culture, creative and heritage sectors?

We continue to support tax relief for culture and creative industries including the games sector, high-end and children’s TV production, animation, film, theatre and orchestras. The SNP Scottish Government has consistently called for the UK government to consider reductions to VAT levied on repair, maintenance and conservation work to historic buildings. We will continue to…

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How is the SNP improving access to culture in Scotland?

Engaging young people in cultural activity in and out of their education environment is a priority – in 2015/16 alone over 1.6 million opportunities have been created for young people to participate in music and the arts. Our world class National Collections are enjoyed by 5 million people every year. We are protecting free access…

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How is the SNP supporting creative enterprise?

In government we have established a Creative Industries Advisory Group to enhance industry collaboration and advise the Scottish Government and agencies on how to support creative entrepreneurship and grow the sector, ensuring they are central to the development of public sector policy. We are committed to supporting the Cultural Enterprise Office to provide tailored business…

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How is the SNP supporting Scotland’s screen sector?

In 2016 spending on film and TV production in Scotland reached a record £69.4 million – a 200 per cent increase compared to 2007. We have already delivered record screen sector support and are facilitating the development of private sector-led permanent film studio space. The Scottish Government has now announced an additional £10 million in…

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What will the SNP do for the screen sector in Scotland?

We will create a new dedicated unit for film and TV, based within Creative Scotland, to streamline public sector support for the screen sector.

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Dè na ceumannan a tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba air gabhail airson taic a thoirt don Ghàidhlig ann an Alba?

Gaelic is an integral part of Scotland’s heritage and the SNP recognises the strong cultural, economic and social value the language brings to our entire nation. We remain committed to increasing the use and visibility of the language to ensure its sustainable long-term future.

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Do the SNP support a Scottish broadcasting service?

We believe that responsibility for broadcasting in Scotland should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament and that greater authority and funding should be moved from the BBC network to BBC Scotland. In the meantime we welcome the creation of a new BBC Scotland TV channel and its associated investment. We will continue to push for…

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