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When will you hold a referendum?

The SNP want to give people a choice over the direction Scotland should take when the terms of Brexit are known, and before it is too late to change course – a choice of whether to follow the UK to a hard Brexit – or to become an independent country, able to secure a real partnership of equals with the rest of the UK and our own relationship with Europe.

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Will Scotland’s Referendum be ‘made in Scotland’?

The referendum must be for Scotland’s Parliament to shape. The Scottish Parliament should determine the referendum’s timing, franchise and the question, which will be open to independent scrutiny and testing, as was the previous referendum. Scotland’s referendum should be built on the principles of democracy, mandate and precedent, so that the people of Scotland can…

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Does the SNP have a mandate for a referendum on Scotland’s future?

The SNP Government was elected on an explicit manifesto pledge that the Scottish Parliament should have the right to consider an independence referendum if Scotland is faced with the threat of being dragged out of the EU against its will.

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Will there be another independence referendum?

The SNP is strongly committed to giving Scotland a choice on our future at the end of the Brexit process. The SNP Scottish Government has a clear mandate to offer the people of Scotland a choice. The SNP has won two elections – the Scottish Parliament election last year and the General Election this year…

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Do the SNP support English Votes for English Laws (EVEL)?

Although SNP MPs have historically not voted on matters which only affect England and Wales, issues which may superficially appear to be “England-only” can often have very serious knock-on consequences for Scotland in terms of our public finances via the Barnett Formula. One example is decisions on NHS spending – the SNP’s 2015 manifesto stated…

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How will the SNP use the new powers from the Scotland Act 2016?

In the next Parliament we will use these powers to better serve the interests of all of Scotland. We will:- Use new tax powers to support economic growth, invest in public services and protect people on low incomes Abolish the Bedroom Tax Establish a Social Security Agency with fairness and dignity at its heart Increase…

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What are the powers of the Scottish Parliament?

Since the Scottish Parliament reconvened in 1999, decision making power is now split between MPs in London and MSPs in Edinburgh. Issues decided at Westminster are said to be ‘reserved’ while issues decided by the Scottish Parliament are ‘devolved’.A limited level of further devolution has taken place since 1999, following the Scotland Acts  2012 and…

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What powers does the Scotland Act 2016 devolve to the Scottish Parliament?

The Scotland Act 2016 will transfer the following powers to the Scottish Parliament: Powers to set rates and thresholds of Income Tax, and devolution of Air Passenger Duty. Some social security powers including disability and carers’ benefits, Winter Fuel Allowance. The power to create new benefits in devolved areas and to top-up reserved benefits. The…

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