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How will the changes to Scottish Income Tax affect me?

The Scottish budget will ensure that 7 out of 10 income tax payers in Scotland pay less tax next year.

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Does the SNP support public ownership?

Under successive Labour and Tory UK governments, Scotland was denied the power to allow a public-sector bid for rail franchises in Scotland. The SNP fought for and won that power. We are now taking forward our manifesto commitment to ensuring a public sector bid for future rail franchises.  We will also introduce a Transport Bill,…

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How is the SNP Scottish Government tackling nuisance calls?

While regulation of nuisance calls and texts is reserved to the UK government, the Scottish Government is committed to doing all it can to tackle the growing problem. In 2016, the Scottish Government created Scotland’s Nuisance Calls Commission to protect vulnerable people from scams and unscrupulous business practices. The Scottish Government has since published an…

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What has the Scottish Government invested in city deals in Scotland?

The Scottish Government is injecting over £1.3 billion into the four City Deals in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness – a third more than the UK government.   The UK government’s investment in the Aberdeen Region fell short by a mammoth £254 million and in the Inverness Region Deal by £82 million. The Scottish Government…

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What is the SNP policy on banking sector reform?

The SNP supports the creation of a robust regulatory framework to ensure that the UK economy is not vulnerable to a re-run of the 2008 financial crisis. The SNP will support measures including the reinstatement of the reverse burden of proof which, before being removed by the Tories, required senior bank managers to demonstrate they…

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How is the SNP supporting the economy of the South of Scotland?

The Scottish Government will prepare legislation to establish the South of Scotland Agency to address the enterprise and skills needs of the south of Scotland. Interim arrangements will be in place later this year to ensure the south of Scotland benefits from a new approach that sustains a diverse economy while supporting and growing communities….

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What is the SNP policy on National Insurance?

At a time when household budgets are under increasing pressure, SNP MPs will oppose any proposed increase in National Insurance.

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What is the SNP policy on VAT?

At a time when household budgets are under increasing pressure, SNP MPs will oppose any proposed increase in Value Added Tax.

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What is the SNP policy on business rates and taxes?

To help small businesses, we have protected the Small Business Bonus Scheme to provide 100 per cent rates relief to business premises with values up to £15,000. This will bring the total number of business premises who pay no rates at all to 100,000 – almost half of all rateable premises. The scheme is part…

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How are the SNP helping to improve Scotland’s economic performance

Since 2007, we have taken real action to protect jobs, boost economic growth and improve productivity. Employment in Scotland is up, youth unemployment is amongst the lowest in the EU, productivity growth has been faster than in the rest of the UK and Scotland remains the top UK destination, outside London, for foreign direct investment….

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How will the SNP support and improve public services?

Our public services play a vital role in shaping both our economy and our society by making a major contribution to the wellbeing of our communities, promoting prosperity and enabling people to participate more fully in society.

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How will the SNP develop innovation in Scotland?

Our economy is now in a sustained period of growth and employment is above pre-recession levels. The future health of our economy, however, lies in improving our productivity through greater innovation.

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What is the SNP policy on Income Tax?

The SNP believe that the tax burden should be proportionate to the ability to pay.  From April 2016, the UK Government will devolve some income tax powers to Scotland, and the SNP Scottish Government is required for the first time to set a Scottish rate of income tax.

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What do the SNP propose as an alternative to austerity?

SNP MPs will demand an end to austerity. We have a responsible plan that would balance the current budget by 2021-22, stabilise borrowing and see debt falling by 2019-20, while also freeing up additional resources to bring an end to austerity. This will allow us to support a halt to further social security cuts, an…

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What is the SNP doing to tackle tax avoidance and evasion?

The powers to tackle avoidance and evasion for almost all taxes, including Income Tax, lie at Westminster. We have consistently called for greater tax transparency and stronger action from the Tory government on avoidance and evasion. According to HMRC, £6.9 billion of tax revenue was lost to public services in 2015-16 because of tax avoidance…

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