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What is the SNP doing to support renewable energy generation?

More than two-thirds of Scotland’s electricity needs are now met from renewable sources.

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What action should the UK government take to support the oil and gas industry?

There are encouraging signs Scotland’s oil and gas industry is emerging from its recent downturn, thanks to the efforts of the men and women who have made it an international success story. Despite raising £330 billion in tax revenues for the UK Treasury, Westminster has repeatedly failed to provide adequate support for the industry and…

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How will the SNP support communities in Scotland to own and manage renewables projects?

The SNP will continue to support the further growth of community and locally owned renewable energy projects, and set new targets of 1 GW of community and locally-owned energy by 2020, and 2 GW by 2030.

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Is the future of Scotland’s gas secure?

The SNP Scottish Government has welcomed the confirmation from analysts that production of gas at the newly opened gas fields at Laggan and Tormore is expected to meet 100% of Scotland’s average gas demand. Good news for Shetland, for Scotland, and for our North Sea industry.

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How are the SNP supporting the North Sea oil and gas industry?

The SNP Scottish Government will continue to do all it can to support the North Sea oil and gas industry through its current challenges. It is clear, however, that the UK Government must take urgent action to reduce the headline rate of tax at the March Budget. The fiscal regime must not be a barrier to investment and activity in the North Sea.

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What is the SNP policy on onshore wind?

The SNP condemn the heavy handed approach of the UK Government in the premature scrappage of onshore wind subsidies. Industry experts warn this move is likely to threaten billions of pounds of investment and hundreds of jobs in the renewables sector which is flourishing in Scotland. Scotland can continue to be a world leader when…

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How will the UK Government’s cuts to support for renewables affect Scotland’s energy industry?

The UK Government have announced cuts to the subsidies for renewable energy generation that could see a loss of investment of up to £3 billion and put more than 5,000 jobs at risk. The Tory government at Westminster has also scrapped a £1 billion grant for the long-planned Carbon Capture and Storage scheme in Peterhead,…

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Is the Scottish economy too reliant on oil?

Scotland’s oil industry remains a strong component part of our successful economy, yet it is but one of many industries – including renewables, agriculture, fisheries and tourism which form the basis of the Scottish economy. The SNP disagree with the approach successive UK Governments have taken to North Sea oil revenue and advocate more responsible…

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