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What is the SNP Scottish Government doing to promote breastfeeding?

The SNP Scottish Government is working hard to improve already high breastfeeding rates. Over 40 per cent of babies born in 2016-17 were still being breastfed after six to eight weeks – the highest rate since 2001.   After the UK-wide Infant Feeding survey was scrapped, the Scottish Government introduced the Scottish Infant Feeding Survey…

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What are the details for the SNP Scottish Government’s baby box scheme?

Scotland’s Baby Box aims to help tackle deprivation, improve health and support parents. We’re proud to introduce it in Scotland.

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How does the SNP support pregnant women and new parents?

From the Baby Box to perinatal mental health, the SNP is supporting pregnant women and new parents.

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What has the SNP done to address child poverty?

We have passed a Child Poverty Bill to introduce income based child poverty targets.

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What is the SNP doing to improve childcare and early years education?

In government the SNP is taking forward the most significant expansion of childcare and early years education ever seen in Scotland – almost doubling free provision to 30 hours a week by 2020.  The 2018-19 Draft Budget allocates almost a quarter of a billion of new investment in the workforce and infrastructure necessary for this…

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What is the SNP doing to increase the availability, choice and flexibility of childcare?

In this parliament, the SNP’s most transformative infrastructure project will be a revolution in early years education and childcare. Free childcare has already been increased to 16 hours a week for all 3 and 4 year olds – up from 12.5 hours in 2007 – and extended to 2 year olds from low income households….

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