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What is the SNP position on the concessionary bus pass?

The free bus pass will remain available to everyone in Scotland aged over 60.

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How is the SNP improving bus services?

The SNP Scottish Government have invested nearly a quarter of a billion pounds every year in support of bus services, concessionary travel and more incentives for the take up of cleaner, greener vehicles.

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How will the SNP use new powers over public sector rail franchises?

The Scotland Act 2016 has given the Scottish Parliament the power, for the first time, to allow a public-sector bid for rail franchises in Scotland. This power was secured by the SNP government, after being repeatedly denied by successive Labour and Tory governments. In our manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections in 2016, we made…

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How are the SNP improving Scotland’s transport system for disabled people

In September 2016 the SNP Government launched Scotland’s first Accessible Travel Framework, which is designed to improve the accessibility of Scotland’s transport system for disabled people.  The Framework was produced after two years of partnership working between disabled people, disability organisations, transport operators and government. The Framework’s blueprint will tackle issues faced by disabled people,…

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Are the SNP privatising the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Service?

There are no plans to privatise these services – they will remain under public control through Scottish Ministers under the terms of any new contract. The public service contract being tendered is to operate lifeline services on behalf of the Scottish Government.

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What is the SNP doing to encourage people to use public transport?

The SNP Government is investing over £1 billion annually in public transport and other sustainable transport options to encourage people out of their car. We have also committed to a £5 billion programme of investment in Scotland’s railways over 5 years to 2019, almost double that planned by UK Ministers on a per capita basis…

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What is the SNP’s position on Air Passenger Duty / Air Departure Tax?

UK Air Passenger Duty (APD) is one of the most expensive taxes of its kind in the world and hampers Scotland’s ability to secure new direct international routes and maintain existing ones. Indeed, the level of taxation on the tourism sector, taking account of both VAT and APD, is amongst the highest in the world….

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How has the SNP improved Scotland’s transport network?

The SNP is committed to the largest transport investment programme that Scotland has ever seen despite relentless Westminster budget cuts. Since 2007 we have invested over £14 billion in transport. We have completed 23 major improvements to our motorways and trunk roads including the M80 Stepps to Haggs and M74 Completion project. Work has started…

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How are the SNP encouraging active travel?

Our Active Nation initiative is designed to ensure more of us choose to make every-day journeys on foot or by bike. That’s good for our health and good for the environment too. We’re doubling investment in active travel from £40 million to £80 million per year. That will mean that, per head of population, spending…

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