Scotland’s new Cabinet

Nicola Sturgeon has appointed a new, refreshed Scottish Cabinet.

The addition of new talent will ensure that the SNP government continues to deliver progress for Scotland.

The new Cabinet also better reflects the society it serves, with equal numbers of men and women and the first Cabinet Secretary from a BAME background, Humza Yousaf.

Here’s what you need to know about Scotland’s Cabinet.


Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

John Swinney

Deputy First Minister John Swinney remains Education Secretary, taking forward our plan to raise attainment in our schools and transform the provision of childcare.


Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work

Derek Mackay

As Finance Secretary, Derek Mackay has overseen the successful devolution of Income Tax and delivered more money for our NHS and education. Derek will now also have responsibility for growing our economy.


Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport

Jeane Freeman

Jeane Freeman joins the Cabinet as Health Secretary. Jeane will build on the last decade of progress in our NHS, with record health spending; more doctors and nurses; and the best hospital A&E performance in the UK.


Cabinet Secretary for Justice

Humza Yousaf

As Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf will lead on the delivery of new hate crime laws. Humza becomes both Scotland’s first minority ethnic Cabinet Secretary and the youngest ever.


Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs

Fiona Hyslop

Fiona Hyslop will continue in her role as Culture Secretary, including taking forward a Culture Strategy for Scotland and supporting our booming tourism industry.


Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People

Shirley-Anne Somerville

Shirley-Anne Somerville will serve as the first dedicated Social Security Secretary, working to deliver a system with dignity and respect at its heart. Shirley-Anne will also ensure that the voice and priorities of Scotland’s older people are represented at the highest level of government.


Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Aileen Campbell

Aileen Campbell joins Scotland’s Cabinet and will lead on our efforts to tackle poverty and inequality. Aileen will also continue work to empower communities and reform local government.


Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy

Fergus Ewing

Fergus Ewing will continue as Rural Economy Secretary, supporting Scotland’s thriving food and drink sector and delivering a new economic development agency for the South of Scotland.


Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

Roseanna Cunningham

As Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham will take forward new climate change legislation, setting the toughest greenhouse gas emissions targets anywhere in the world.


Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity

Michael Matheson

Michael Matheson will take on this key economic role, which will include delivering our commitment to superfast broadband for all homes and businesses.


Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations

Michael Russell

As the Tories continue to pursue a damaging Brexit, ripping up the devolution settlement in the process, Michael Russell will ensure the necessary preparations for the UK leaving the EU are put in place.

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