SNP Westminster frontbench team and spokespeople

SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford has announced the new SNP frontbench team. Here’s the list in full.

Depute Group Leader & Economy

Kirsty Blackman

Spokesperson for International Affairs & Europe

Stephen Gethins

Spokesperson for Defence

Stewart Malcolm McDonald

Spokesperson for Exiting the EU

Peter Grant

Spokesperson for International Trade

Stewart Hosie

Spokesperson for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 

Drew Hendry

Spokesperson for Justice and Home Affairs

Joanna Cherry

Spokesperson for Social Justice

Neil Gray

Spokesperson for Education

Carol Monaghan

Spokesperson for Housing & Local Government

Alison Thewliss

Spokesperson for Health

Philippa Whitford

Spokesperson for Women, Equalities & Pensions

Angela Crawley & Mhairi Black*

Spokesperson for Transport

Alan Brown

Spokesperson for International Development

Chris Law

Spokesperson for Culture, Digital, Media and Sport

Hannah Bardell

Spokesperson for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Deidre Brock

Spokesperson for Immigration

Stuart McDonald

Spokesperson for Scotland Office

Tommy Sheppard

Spokesperson for Northern Ireland & Wales

Gavin Newlands

Shadow Leader of the House

Pete Wishart

Chief Whip

Patrick Grady

*Mhairi Black and Angela Crawley are job-sharing their spokesperson roles.