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FMQs – Ruth Davidson’s breathtaking political opportunism

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Nicola Sturgeon exposes the “political opportunism” of the Tories and Ruth Davidson.

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FMQs – The hypocrisy of the Tories

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The hypocrisy of the Tories on measuring the progress of school pupils is exposed at FMQs.

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PMQs – The Conservative Party is unfit for government

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“The Prime Minister is unfit to govern, she’s incapable of leadership, we know it, her backbenchers know it and the country knows it.”

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National Assembly – Edinburgh

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Our biggest ever National Assembly in Edinburgh was buzzing with conversation and debate on how an independent Scotland can match the best.

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PMQs – the Chequers plan is as dead as a dodo

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Ian Blackford tells the Prime Minister her Chequers plan is “as dead as a dodo”

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National Assembly – Aviemore

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In Aviemore, our members led the conversation on Scotland’s future – a conversation full of hope and ambition.

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National Assembly – Ayr

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SNP members met in Ayr on Saturday 25th August to discuss and debate how Scotland can be a successful independent country.

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PMQs – Theresa May is a Prime Minister in office but not in power

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“This is a Prime Minister that has lost control of her own party.”