Vote 100

This year marks a century since women first gained the right to vote. Today thousands of women across Scotland shape our movement and thousands more built it. To mark the centenary of women’s suffrage, we are highlighting 100 women who represent the SNP in 2018.


Mhairi Black, MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South since 2015 and the youngest MP in 350 years. 

Mhairi Black’s message to young women who want to get involved in politics today:

“Have courage of conviction. Know your stuff inside and out and don’t be intimidated.”


Councillor Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council – only the second woman to hold that office.

On International Women’s Day 2018, Susan Aitken said: “While I am leader, the administration of the City Government will be an unashamedly feminist one. We will have women and women’s priorities and family priorities absolutely at the centre of our policies, in the political decision-making process.”


Councillor Mhairi Hunter, Convener for Health and Social Care Integration on Glasgow City Council. 

On why she’s involved in politics, Mhairi Hunter said: “I was brought up in a political household so it was quite normal to be involved in politics and be active. What makes me continue to be involved is just believing people together can achieve a fairer society and can improve the quality of life for people.”


Councillor Rhiannon Spear represents Greater Pollok on Glasgow City Council and is a law student at the University of Glasgow.

On her own personal experience in politics, Rhiannon said: “My experience of being a young woman in politics is the very reason why I will continue to campaign for change. My experiences of sexism has been frequent and at times severe. No party is immune but within the SNP I have found a space that allows my voice to be heard and allows me to encourage more young women to let their voices be heard, long may that continue.”


Councillor Christina Cannon represents Springburn/Robroyston on Glasgow City Council and is Convener of SNP Students. 

On the centenary of women’s suffrage, Christina said: “Celebrating 100 years of women getting the vote is a fitting time to reflect on how far we have come in the fight for equality but also how far we have to go. With on-going issues like everyday sexism and pay inequality we must stand up to challenge this culture that creates so much gender inequality. An increased number of women in politics is a great start, but we are not a statistic, we are here to stand up for women’s rights.”


Anum Qaisar Javed is an SNP activist in Falkirk and works for Humza Yousaf MSP. 

On her political inspirations, Anum has said: “I have always been fascinated with politics and current affairs. I grew up hearing about strong women such as Emmeline Pankhurst and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Over the years I have seen women from different communities, such as Malala Yousafzai, stand up for their rights and I am continually inspired by them. However, women are still underrepresented in politics. BME women even more so. Whilst we have come very far, there is still a very long journey ahead.”


Michelle Campbell is an SNP councillor for Erskine and Inchinnan and is also the SNP Council Group and Branch Secretary.

On her hopes for the next 100 years, Michelle said: “As a women in politics, I work hard to rid gender typical views when I am working with some who may be assumptive – that is the challenge and I will always push for progress.

My hope for the next 100 years is this becomes a history lesson and is no longer a relevant issue. In Scotland, we are at the helm of this progress and I am proud to be a women in politics within the SNP.”


Stacey Adam is a long-standing SNP activist, has held various organisational roles for the party and is passionate about Paisley.


Looking back at her time in politics, Stacey said: “I have led a very lucky life as I have been surrounded by independent strong women all my days. My family have been loving and supportive always: no obstacles were ever put in my place. The town I live in and love, Paisley, has always been there too.

“What I would like to see is for everyone to have the same opportunity and support I got as going into politics is not a job but a vocation. If done properly it is all consuming but well worth it.”