Why the Universal Credit roll-out must be halted: in 200 words

Universal Credit is fundamentally flawed and it’s roll-out should be halted. Here’s why.


What is Universal Credit?  


Universal Credit is a benefit being introduced by the Tories to replace several benefits:

  • Tax Credits
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance

What’s the issue?


Before receiving their first payment, new claimants must wait at least six weeks. Where Universal Credit has been introduced, this wait has caused rent arrears, household debt and left families to rely on foodbanks.

What can the Scottish Government do?

Universal Credit is a UK government benefit. The Scottish Government has very new powers over Universal Credit which we have used to give people a choice over whether to receive payments once or twice monthly, and to have the housing element paid directly to their landlord.

What should the UK government do?



The roll-out of Universal Credit should be halted until fundamental flaws have been fixed, particularly the six-week payment delay. We also strongly oppose the cap that restricts Child Tax Credits to the first two children; the inhumane Rape Clause; and the benefit cap.

Join our fight

Add your voice to our call to halt the roll-out of Universal Credit and sign our petition today.
