Your guide to SNP conference

SNP members will gather in Aberdeen on Friday for our conference. We meet in the Granite City as a new debate begins on how Scotland can build a better future – one of hope and ambition.

So whether you’re at home or you’ll be with us at conference, here’s how you can get involved and what you can expect.

What is conference?

Conference is the ultimate decision-making body of the SNP. Conference attracts thousands of delegates from all corners of Scotland, as well as organisations, businesses, observers and media from across the UK and further afield.

Who can attend?

Any member can attend conference as a member visitor. However, only delegates to conference are entitled to speak in debates and vote.

Delegates are members chosen to represent branches, constituency associations and affiliated organisations. SNP MPs and MSPs, and internal elected members are also delegates.

In order to make conference as accessible as possible, we provide a free crèche at all our conferences. Find out more about the conference crèche here.  

Members can still purchase their member visitor pass on the SNP Members website

What happens at conference?

The main events at conference are the policy debates, where delegates discuss and vote upon resolutions.

If accepted, a resolution becomes SNP policy and can be taken forward in government or championed at Westminster. Being a delegate to conference is an exciting way to shape Party policy and make your voice heard. Here’s how SNP members have influenced policy over the last two years.

In the main conference hall, there will also be keynote speeches from the Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney and Ian Blackford. This year, conference will also hear keynote speeches from Social Security Minister Jeane Freeman and Brexit Minister Michael Russell. And our new Depute Leader will be announced too.

Out with the main conference hall, visitors can attend fringe events arranged by outside organisations to engage the membership on a range of issues. These events are a great opportunity to hear from charities, campaigns or trade unions, on their work and aims.

There is also a large exhibition area with stalls from a number of organisations, both internal and external, where you can speak hear more about their campaigns.

After a full day of lively discussion, members can relax in the evening with a wide selection of social events. Members can find the full programme of events in their Conference Handbook.

How do I get the conference app?

If you are attending us in person you can ensure you never miss a debate, fringe meeting or speech with the SNP app. You’ll get all the information you need to plan your day, as well as all the latest news from the SNP. Get the instructions for setting the app here.

Can I follow conference from home?

As ever, you’ll be able to follow the debates live on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Some sessions, where we’ll debate internal rule changes, will only be available to members and delegates in the conference hall.

…and don’t forget the conference hashtag #SNP18.