Angus MacDonald

Falkirk East

Angus MacDonald lives in Falkirk with his wife Linda. Born in Stornoway and educated at Keil School and Grangemouth High School, Angus followed a career in the agricultural sector, working in the family businesses which included farming, livestock auctioneering and wholesale meat supplies.

He was first elected to the former Falkirk District Council in 1992, returning to Falkirk Council at the 2004 Inchyra by-lection, securing 56% of the vote and a 22% swing from Labour to the SNP.

Angus was elected to serve the people of Falkirk East in May 2011.

Constituency Office: 2 York Arcade, Grangemouth, FK3 8BA.
Phone Number: 01324 482100

Surgery Information:
1st Friday of the month 12-1pm, Bo’ness Library, Bo’ness
2nd Friday of the month 12–1pm, Greenpark Centre, Polmont
3rd Friday of the month 12-1pm, Tryst Community Centre, Stenhousemuir
4th Friday of the month 12-1pm, Maddiston Community Education Centre, Maddiston.