Christine Grahame

Midlothian South Tweeddale & Lauderdale

Christine has been the constituency MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale since 2011. She was a South of Scotland Region MSP from 1999-2011.

Joining the party nearly 40 years ago – Christine has held a number of party posts. She was Shadow Minister for Social Justice in the SNP’s Shadow Cabinet and has been spokesperson for older people, for social security, convenor of the Parliament’s Health Committee and convener of the Justice 1 Committee.

Previously a secondary teacher and solicitor, she has an M.A, LLB, Dip. ED, Dip. LLP, NP. Christine is a mother to two sons and a granny. She has a cat and is a gardening aficionado.


Contact Details:

46 High Street

Tel: 01896 759575


Surgery Information:

Contact constituency office for full details.