Colin Beattie

Midlothian North & Musselburgh

Colin has followed a varied and successful career in national and international finance, rising to a senior level, before shifting full time into politics. He has worked in many countries around the world and latterly was located in the City of London. His experience and skills cover most aspects of finance.
He was elected as a Councillor in Midlothian in 2007 where he has acquired a solid reputation as a hard working councillor, and was then elected as MSP in May 2011.
Colin originates from Forfar where his father was a hospital porter and his mother the daughter of a crofter. An aptitude for finance led him to travel (like many Scots before him) widely before returning to his home country.  He is married and lives within the constituency.
Interests include history, current affairs, music, gardening (badly), reading and travelling.

Constituency Office: 164 High Street, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH2 1AY
Phone Number: 07885 026937
Facebook: Re-elect Colin Beattie as your MSP
Twitter: @reelectcolinb

Surgery Information:
Surgeries and apointments are held regularly. Phone 0131 454 0204 for information and appointments.

Contact Details