Derek Mackay

Renfrewshire North & West

Derek is Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Constitution.

Derek was elected Member of the Scottish Parliament for Renfrewshire North & West in May 2011. Derek is currently SNP Business Convener (Chairman of the Party), responsible for chairing Conference, the National Executive and the management and administration of the party.

Elected to Renfrewshire Council in 1999 at the age of 21 he was the youngest male Councillor in Scotland at the time. He won three successive ward elections, to become Leader of Renfrewshire Council in May 2007, taking the SNP from opposition to lead the administration for the first time. He became a national figure in local government leading the SNP group at COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) 2009-2011.

He served on Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board as a Non Executive Director and Chair of Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership (2007 – 2011). He was also previously chair of the Paisley Vision Board and Renfrewshire’s Fairtrade Steering Group.

Derek enjoys reading, running, swimming and time at the gym.

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