Douglas Chapman

Dunfermline & West Fife

I have lived in Dunfermline for almost 30 years. Both my children have gone to school in Dunfermline and my wife and I have worked here over this time. This is our home and I am very proud of the area. It is a huge honour to represent the people of such a fantastic part of Scotland at Westminster.

I was born in Edinburgh in the mid 1950s, and grew up in East Calder and  Livingston and attended West Calder High School.

I had a busy working life for some 26 years before I got involved in politics. Most of that time was spent with TSB Scotland in retail banking. I studied at Napier University and gained a professional level qualification in Personnel Management. I worked in the Scottish Parliament for 6 years and in 2006 became the SNP’s Campaign Manager for the 2007 Scottish Parliament and Local Government elections. The SNP won both these elections for the first time in our party’s history. In my political career, I served as a councillor for Rosyth and North Queensferry ward on Fife Council – Scotland’s 3rd largest council —  for nine years  and held political responsibility for Education and Children’s Services and then COSLA Spokesperson for Education, Children and Young People before becoming an MP in 2015.

On being elected to Parliament, I served on the Defence Select Committee and since my re-election in 2017 I now serve on the influential Public Accounts Committee, the Regulatory Reform Committee, the Committee on Standards & the Committee on Privileges.

I am currently a member of our Foreign Affairs team and the SNP Spokesperson on Defence Procurement , Peace & Nuclear Disarmament at Westminster. I am also the only Scottish MP on the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

I take a great interest in a range of topics in Parliament including the Arctic, Catalonia, Disarmament, Security, the USA and the United Nations through the various All Party Groups in the House of Commons. But my greatest love is my constituency and I work hard to improve the lives of my constituents in some way every day.

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