Peter Grant


Peter’s constituency stretches from Cardenden to central Leven, with Glenrothes and Levenmouth being its two largest population centres.  He was elected to Parliament in 2015, achieving a swing of 35% from Labour to the SNP.

Peter was brought up in Lanarkshire and moved to Glenrothes in 1983.  He worked as a teacher before retraining as an accountant with the NHS in Fife, and subsequently worked in a variety of finance related jobs in public sector and charitable organisations.

Peter served as a councillor in Glenrothes from 1992 until 2015. He was leader of Fife Council between 2007 and 2012.

In the last Parliament Peter was a member of the SNP’s International Affairs team and served on parliament’s European Scrutiny Committee and the Select Committee on Brexit.

Supported by his constituency staff Peter gained a reputation as a hard working local MP.  He has championed the work of a number of local organisations who provide help to constituents living with the impact of UK austerity cuts.  In the last year his team have helped to recover over £93,000 for constituents whose benefits or tax credits had been wrongly assessed by the DWP.

Peter lives in Glenrothes and has been married for nearly 33 years to Fiona, a local GP and Councillor.

Contact Details:

Castleblair Business Centre
Fullerton Road

Tel: 01592 759335
