Shirley-Anne Somerville


Shirley-Anne is the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People.

Shirley-Anne was the SNP candidate in the Dunfermline by­election in 2013. She also served as an SNP MSP for the Lothians from 2007 until 2011. During her time in parliament she fought tirelessly against the Edinburgh Trams project. She also won a victory for the Babies on Buses campaign which saw the redesign of the city’s buses to better accommodate prams.

Her parliamentary responsibilities included being Deputy Whip to the SNP Parliamentary Group, Parliamentary Aide to John Swinney MSP, co-Convener of the Cross Party Group on Climate Change and a member of the Cross Party Group on Men’s Violence against Women and Children.

Before becoming an MSP, Shirley-Anne was Policy and Public Affairs Officer at the Chartered Institute of Housing and as Media and Campaigns Officer for the Royal College of Nursing.

Before being appointed to her current position she was Director of Communities for Yes Scotland. She is also currently a trustee of Shelter, the housing and homeless charity.

Shirley-Anne lives in North Queensferry with her husband and two young children.


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Constituency Office: 34 Chalmers Street, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 8DF

Phone: 01383 249 200

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